New ProjectWise Security Permissions - Free

New ProjectWise Security Permission - Free

One of the new features available in ProjectWise V8i – SELECTseries 1 is the ability for users to free documents checked out or exported by other users. The Free command which allows users to cancel the check out of documents they have checked out has been available for some time and requires that the user setting Document – Free is enabled for any user the ProjectWise Administrator would like to grant this ability to.

Up until the V8i SELECTseries 1 release of ProjectWise, the ability to free documents checked out by other users was limited to members of the ProjectWise Administrators group. This led to a dilemma for many ProjectWise Administrators who wanted to grant a “Power User” like ability to advanced users without granting them full administrative rights. This new permission allows administrators to grant the permission to free other user’s documents without compromising the overall security of the ProjectWise datasource.

The new permission can be set at the datasource, project, folder, or document level by going to the Document Security tab when viewing a folder’s properties, or the Security tab when viewing a document’s properties. The Free permission can be seen immediately below the File Write permission when viewing an object’s permissions.

It is important to note that in order for a user to able free document’s checked out or exported by other users, both the user setting Document -Free and the document free permission must be enabled. For a user to free his or her own checkouts, only the Document - Free user setting needs to be enabled.

Figure 1
